NOP 4.6 : Google Conversion Setup Help To Run Performance Max Google Ads

11 months ago
Dear Fellow Nop Developers,

I am trying to automate my google marketing for ecommerce sales. In process of setting Performance Max automated ad with focus on Conversions.

Unfortunately, I am confused in adding the correct scripts in the correct locations . After many trys I am still getting warning message that the conversion tracking event is not set up correctly and no information received from my ecommerce site to my google ad account.

I would like to know if anyone has setup the google conversion setting correctly in Nop Commerce version 4.6 .

Your guidance is much appreciated.
11 months ago
It's like NP not working on Google tracking, I don't understand how people are using Google ads using NOP. How you guys are marketing properly?
3 months ago
Google Ads Enhanced Conversions working great for us on NOP 4.6.

Google support were very helpful in setting up enhanced conversions. We're using FoxNetSoft's Tracking Code manager to put in the following tracking code script (after <body> tag):

  var enhanced_conversion_data = {
    "email": '%CustomerEmail%',
    "phone_number": '%CustomerPhoneNumber%'
  gtag('event', 'conversion', {
      'send_to': '{value from your conversion event snippet}',
      'value': %OrderTotal%,
      'currency': 'GBP',
      'transaction_id': '%OrderNumber%'

we use NopStation's Google Analytics 4 plugin with the following tracking code:

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->                <script async src='{GOOGLEID}'></script>                <script>                  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];                  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}                  gtag('js', new Date());                                    gtag('config', '{GOOGLEID}', {                    'cookie_prefix': 'nopstation'                 });                                      gtag('config', '{GOOGLEID}');                  {CUSTOMER_TRACKING}                  {ECOMMERCE_TRACKING}                  gtag('config','{your Ads conversion id AW-XXXXXXXXX}', {'allow_enhanced_conversions':true});</script>

You also need to set up Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads using the custom option (from what I recall when they talked me through it) which also gives you a couple of the above IDs. It takes a few days to start working properly, after which enhanced conversions needs to be the Primary optimisation action.
1 month ago
pumpkinpip wrote:
Google Ads Enhanced Conversions working great for us on NOP 4.6.

Google support were very helpful in setting up enhanced conversions. We're using FoxNetSoft's Tracking Code manager to put in the following tracking code script (after <body> tag):

  var enhanced_conversion_data = {
    "email": '%CustomerEmail%',
    "phone_number": '%CustomerPhoneNumber%'
  gtag('event', 'conversion', {
      'send_to': '{value from your conversion event snippet}',
      'value': %OrderTotal%,
      'currency': 'GBP',
      'transaction_id': '%OrderNumber%'

we use NopStation's Google Analytics 4 plugin with the following tracking code:

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->                <script async src='{GOOGLEID}'></script>                <script>                  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];                  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}                  gtag('js', new Date());                                    gtag('config', '{GOOGLEID}', {                    'cookie_prefix': 'nopstation'                 });                                      gtag('config', '{GOOGLEID}');                  {CUSTOMER_TRACKING}                  {ECOMMERCE_TRACKING}                  gtag('config','{your Ads conversion id AW-XXXXXXXXX}', {'allow_enhanced_conversions':true});</script>

You also need to set up Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads using the custom option (from what I recall when they talked me through it) which also gives you a couple of the above IDs. It takes a few days to start working properly, after which enhanced conversions needs to be the Primary optimisation action.

And how it's works now? After Cookie Consent Mode v2. In United Kingdom is also necessery?
1 month ago
Using's service to comply with Google Consent mode v2
1 month ago
Hmm... we also using simillar functions, (foxnet to GTM [and we testing his plugin to GA4 but events not working)

So we again using Nopstation GA4...

Problem with Nopstation GA4 plugin is they add gtag and tag loading before receive default state of cookies. In Google Tag Manager debuger we see this error.

We raport it's to them, and waiting.
Maybe you fixed this by yourself?
2 weeks ago
I added the "Enhanced Conversion" template in the plugin Tracking Code Manager