Hello Community,

We are official partner of Tawk.to

We are very glad to announce that we are having now Tawk Live Chat in nopCommerce 4.70 Version.

About Plugin : Serve your Visitors for free with Real Time support and convert them to Customers. You can earn without investing a single penny. 100% free with bundles of Exciting Rich Features.
- tawk.to is best real time and can easily deliver the personalized customer Services.
- Tawk.to helps you to serve your customers when they need you the most and also monitors the traffic on your website.
- Proactively chat can be initiated with your website visitors and application users.
- Tawk.to users can easily unlock conversational commerce with a new frictionless channel.
- Get the best widget which suits your business and express it with the Exciting emoji.

please try plugin as it absolutely free from here : https://nopcommerceplus.com/tawk-live-chat-for-nopcommerce

About NopCommerceplus : We have good number of team. We are nopCommerce Experts. We are able to do any difficult integration, plugin development, migration, and upgradation. We are committed to meet your requirements. We are with nopCommerce from 2.65 Version till date.
We work on the technologies like .NET, .NET MVC, .NET Core, AJAX, C#, Angular, Angular JS, SQL, HTML, CSS. We have developed many Websites + Mobile Applications(Android + IOS).
We have dedicated frontend designers and mobile app team too.
We are here to make your ecommerce store world class with use of our team expertise with reasonable price and Very great customer support.