Case studies and customer success stories

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7 years ago

We would like to add a page on our site with case studies and users success stories.

First of all, we would like to share cases of some notable projects of our partners. We would really appreciate if you share some examples of your work. And to save your time, we suggest conducting quick phone interviews, where you can describe a project's details, and we then prepare the materials. Those who are willing to take part, please, drop a message to my email [email protected], to schedule the interview.

Secondly, we would like to share success stories of store owners. So if you have customers who would be interested in getting their stories highlighted on our site, please let me know as well. In their stories, we will mention your companies too.

We look forward to sharing your expertise and success with our community and nopCommerce potential users!

UPDATE: The page is already live and is constantly growing:! If you also have a story to share, let us know.
7 years ago
Great!! News.Thanks for sharing.
7 years ago
Alex_L wrote:

We would like to add a page on our site with case studies and users success stories.

Besides the page, we also plan to include some stories in our future newsletters. We have about 75,000 site visitors monthly and about 82,000 newsletter subscribers, so it is a great chance to demonstrate your expertise!
7 years ago
Hi Alex:
We will help you in this matter. I sent you a PM.
7 years ago
Tecnofin wrote:
Hi Alex:
We will help you in this matter. I sent you a PM.

Thank you, Eduardo!
7 years ago
The page is already live and is constantly growing:!

If you also have a story to share, let us know.
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