how to upgrade 4.40 to 4.50

3 months ago
Our store is currently running version 4.40. Can we upgrade it to version 4.60 or does it need to upgrade to 4.50 and then upgrade to 4.60
3 months ago
No, Setup a v4.6 test website and run and create a test database
If that is all working ok
Take a backup or use a copy of the v4.4 database in case there are problems
Edit the appSettings file to point to your v4.4 database
The system should then upgrade the database to v4.6
3 months ago
You will need an updated theme and 3rd party plugin as well. If you use
3 months ago
I posted earlier for the 3.9 upgrade to 4.60.5 and I did a fresh install of 4.60.5 from the app listing at the new host and I backed up the DB from 3.9 from WinHost.

The fresh 4.60.5 install tested OK and I was able to point the DB restore to my old 3.9 backup and the DB was ported to the existing DB name and PW, which I then logged into and ran the update SQL scripts against it successfully.  I think the DB is now at 4.4 and I backed it up on

When I tried to run the application I get an HTTP 500 error. The migration instructions say I need to back up the JSON files in the App Data folder but 3.9 didn't have any. Do I need to put the JSON files from 4.4 into that folder and try to open the webpage again? or restart the Application from somewhere? I'm not sure what to do next and the Winhost account auto renews on the 29th, I'd like to not pay them this time.

3 months ago
RE: "I get an HTTP 500 error.
I recommend you look at Yidna's document to enable logging

Also, use a SQL tool (like SSMS, or the SQL tool in the host control panel), and query the DB's Log table to see if any errors:

RE:  "JSON files in the App Data folder but 3.9 didn't have any.
The old system had other types of setting files.  But, you don't need them because you started with a new install (and then changed DB config in appsettings.json)

P.S.  If you did have 3rd party or custom plugins, then you will need to "install" those.  Since you migrated the DB, their settings are already there, so rather than "Install" from plugins page you may be able to just copy their folder/files into your \Plugins folder and manually update the App_Data\plugins.json file.  It would be best to contact the vendor(s) for recommendation.
3 months ago
Well, I started over, and made some progress, then a disaster hit.
Started with cancelling the old website, wiped my folder and installed 4.60.5 fresh from the SmarterASP menu. Changed the default user and password, applied for SSL and activated it in the Store section of the admin stuff, then changed the DB settings in appsettings.json and FTPed that to the site.

Apparently my old DB upgrade was still on the server after the reinstall and I just had to point to it. I was able to get to the website and noticed that all the images for the products were missing, I thought they were in the DB but apparently about 1250 were in the old file system.

I installed the Braintree plugin and refreshed the plugin list, that restarted the application, now typing in the url just causes the browser busy circle to spin for a very long time. I got it to time out eventually with HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM Out-Of-Process Startup Failure. In the meantime I uploaded the images to the folder specified in the upgrade readme file. Still don't know how to get my website to come up again. Is there some other file I need to modify?

I don't know what to do at this point. I'm so close....
3 months ago
That was a real mind bender, but I did figure it out.
I turned the logs on and discovered that the DB login was failing, user id, db name, and password were all correct, but the server name had changed.