robots.txt blocking all pages from being crawled or fetched since upgrade for ver 4.2 to ver 4.6

1 month ago
Hi all,
I'm wondering if anyone has had the same problem.
Since I upgraded a store from ver 4.2 -> 4.6 I'm getting the following error from google search console on every single page "BLOCKED BY ROBOTS.TXT"

and my breadcrumbs and snippets also dropped

1 month ago
I am running into a similar issue. Every URL is allowed for crawling but google is reporting some of the URLs are blocked.
1 month ago
I don't know if this helps but I'm going to add it to the conversation anyway since it's another clue:
In another site I have, where I made the same upgrade from, ver 4.2 to ver 4.60.6 that uses the same theme from, I have 2 languages PT and ES and the robots.txt starts with:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin
Disallow: /bin/

in brasaovens I have 5 languages PT, ES, FR, EN, DE and the robots.txt starts with:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin
Disallow: /bin/

NOTE that in the 1st website that has 2 languages it shows 2 sitemaps
and on the second it shows only one sitemap. Having 5 languages shouldn't it have 5 sitemaps ? ....
1 month ago

we have the same issue. A lot of our page are blocked by robot after upgrade from 4.2 to 4.6.

Any solution?
1 month ago
Single sitemap was introduced in 4.40, see details here. And the problem with robots.txt was solved later. So, this should work fine.
1 month ago
Thanks for your answer, but we don't have neither multilanguage site or sitemap. Just some valid URLs are blocked by robot or at least Google Search Console say that.