Frequently asked questions

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10 years ago
Q: How do I import product pictures?

A: The pictures filename path must be relative to the host file system;  not your local PC/browser.

On the admin>products page, select one product that has a picture, and then do an "Export to Excel (selected)".  Look at the Excel sheet.  Note the host path for the picture.  You will need to prefix your filenames with that path when creating the CSV file.   Don't use the exact path.  You need to create a temp folder up a level or two, and put your files in that temp folder.  If hosted, you will need to FTP the image files prior to import.
10 years ago
Q: How do I block a single IP or an IP range(nop ver. 2.65)?

A: For example (nop ver. 2.65  :) ... just add in web.config:
        <rule name="Block access from unwanted REMOTE_ADDR">
          <match url=".*" />
          <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAny">
     <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="\b91\.200\.14\.91\b" />
            <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="\b38\.99\.82\.232\b" />
      <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="\b38\.99\.82\.191\b" />
      <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="\b38\.99\.82\.237\b" />        
      <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="\b208\.115\.113\.86\b" />
      <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="\b46\.118\.124\.71\b" />
          <action type="AbortRequest" />
10 years ago
Q. No Source / Web OR Source Code? Need help in deciding, which one to use?
A. Check this tutorial:
10 years ago
Q: What do you for selling by size(es), colors, material, etc., specification attributes or product attributes
A: Product attributes will do it. Don't forget to set Manage inventory method: Track inventory by product attributes in product info tab and then to define stock in the product attributes>combinations tab
9 years ago
Copied some most popular questions to
6 years ago

i would like to know what licensew to buy if i want to remove the "powered by" text and the "Copyright" notice both for the same domain? can you kindly help?

thanks in advance.
6 years ago
[email protected] wrote:

i would like to know what licensew to buy if i want to remove the "powered by" text and the "Copyright" notice both for the same domain? can you kindly help?

thanks in advance.

The copyright removal key allows to remove "powered by nopCommerce" text. Any other text (e.g. Copyright, etc) can be removed even without the key. So for one URL you can buy the cheapest key ($120)
3 years ago
a.m. wrote:
Other suggestions for this FAQ are welcome

I want to implement hierarchy in Url structure in nopcommerce 4.4 as below:

is Nopcommerce 4.4 support hierarchy in Url structure?
and if not, How can I implement that?
3 years ago
(Your topic is not a FAQ "Frequently Asked Question"; please create new topics)
No. URL hierarchy would require customization.  This issue is not marked with any milestone
3 years ago
Hi, I am taking part in the building of a multi-vendor site using this platform. We are having difficulty with figuring out how we will ensure a single payment for the customer at checkout if they have selected items from different vendors. We would like to avoid the customer having to go through separate payments and especially separate delivery costs and was wondering if there was a way to do this so the money is split between the vendors without the payment having to go through us.
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