Abstract Exchange Rate Provider Plugin by nopStation released

1 year ago
We are happy to announce that we have released the Abstract Exchange Rate Provider plugin for the nopCommerce store owners running nopCommerce version 4.50!

We have developed the Abstract Exchange Rate Provider plugin using Abstract’s exchange rate API to enable adding Abstract as a currency and exchange rate provider on nopCommerce-powered online stores. This plugin lets you utilize Abstract’s exchange rate services by adding Abstract as an exchange rate provider. This plugin adds functionality such as real-time exchange rate data, support for global exchange rates, cryptocurrency exchange rates, and bank-level security.

We believe this plugin will give nopCommerce store owners added flexibility by using Abstract’s exchange rate services.


•  Up-to-the-minute and reliable data
•  Highly accurate exchange rate data
•  Coverage for global exchange rates
•  Cryptocurrency exchange rate support
•  Bank-level security for all queries
•  Easy to install and configure

Product Specifications

•  Plugin Type: nopCommerce Plugin
•  Supported nopCommerce Version: 4.50 and above
•  Available Purchase option: Without Source Code & With Source Code
•  Available License Type: Single URL, Multiple URL
•  Multi-Store Support: Yes

For more detailed features, check the product at our site.
Product link to our site: https://www.nop-station.com/abstract-api-exchange-rate-provider

About nopStation

We, nopStation, are the #1 Gold Solution Partner of nopCommerce and an eCommerce unit of Brain Station 23 Ltd., a top-ranking software development company with global presence. At nopStation, we design, build and enhance eCommerce solutions on top of the nopCommerce platform for clients of all business sizes.

We are a highly skilled team of .NET Developers, PMs, Architects, DevOps, QAs, BAs and UI/UX designers, including nopCommerce Certified Developers & MVPs. We specialise in custom B2B and B2C eCommerce development, including Themes, Plugins, and Mobile Apps development and third-party integrations & peformance optimization. We help our store owners build their business online by developing eCommerce solution at a competitive price and reasonable timeline.
7 months ago
Dear nopStation Support,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention an issue I am facing with the "Abstract Exchange Rate Provider Plugin" by nopStation in NopCommerce version 4.6.

When I provide the API key required for the plugin, it saves successfully. However, I am unable to access the configuration page. I have followed the installation and configuration steps as per the documentation, but I seem to be encountering this specific problem.

I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter, as accurate currency conversion is crucial for our e-commerce store. If there are any troubleshooting steps or updates related to this plugin for NopCommerce 4.6, please do let me know.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your guidance on how to resolve this issue.
7 months ago
Hi Adeel

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the issue you're experiencing with the "Abstract Exchange Rate Provider Plugin" in NopCommerce version 4.6. We understand the importance of accurate currency conversion for your e-commerce store, and we're here to help you resolve this matter.

To address this issue, please follow the steps below:

1. Start by checking the documentation available at this link: Abstract Exchange Rate Provider Documentation.
2. Set your API key as per the instructions provided in the documentation.
3. Implement the exchange rate settings by opting for the "Nop-Station Abstract API" as your chosen exchange rate provider (Please consult the provided documentation for additional guidance).

Following these steps should help you successfully configure the "Abstract Exchange Rate Provider Plugin" for your NopCommerce 4.6 store.

If you encounter any further issues or have additional queries, please do not hesitate to reach out. Additionally, if you require further assistance or need to provide updates, you can create or respond to a ticket in our support system.

7 months ago
I already doing this that was mentioned in documentation and also i will give api key that was showen below after download abstract exchange rate from store. But still it can not works.
7 months ago
Hi Adeel

Please verify whether the currency you intend to use is supported by referring to this link. You can also check the live exchange rates from here.
