Keep YouTube channel active

11 months ago
No fresh content has been posted to the YouTube channel for around a year. Do keep posting tutorial videos and other informational content to keep the buzz alive.
11 months ago
We posted some short video tutorials to our YouTube channel but found out it wasn't the best educational platform. Our community kept asking us about a full-fledged online course and we decided to provide educational content in this form.

We spent about a year summarizing the best practices and methods of developing, customizing and deploying nopCommerce websites in our online course.  It also covers third-party integrations and custom plugins.  We make sure that information there is well-structured and up-to-date, and receive a positive feedback from our users. You can check it out here.

However, we're always open to your ideas and suggestions. If you want to share valuable insights or development experience with the community, you can take part in our global meetups or submit your content to our blog.