Gift card amount token (%GiftCard.Amount%) on gift card template

4 months ago

Gift card that is being sold has VAT (tax category is defined for gift card). When message is sent to recipient about gift card then the amount in the email is without tax. %GiftCard.Amount% is used on template.
The recipient must receive the amount with VAT in email. But accounting needs tax to be calculated when selling the gift card. How can I get gift card value WITH tax to the email?  
4 months ago
There are ways to achieve getting the gift card value with tax in the email without custom coding in nopCommerce, depending on your specific configuration and desired behavior.

1. Modify the email template:
Use %GiftCard.AmountIncludingTax% instead of %GiftCard.Amount% in the email template. This directly displays the value with tax.

Thank You

3 months ago

Unfortunately this token %GiftCard.AmountIncludingTax% doesn't exist in 4.5 (tried and didn't work)
3 months ago
The token %GiftCard.AmountIncludingTax% doesn't exist in 4.60 (or 4.70 either).  Maybe the above customized for it.  That's what you will need to do for 4.50.