does nopcommerce bundles theme css and js files?

3 months ago
Hi i wonder if nopcommerce bundles custom themes css and js files
if it does not bundle them what is best practice to bundle them on build or deploy time?
3 months ago
NopCommerce bundles and minifies the css and JS out of the box. You need to enable it at the  AppSettings if you are using  the latest NopC version /Admin/Setting/AppSettings or using the GeneralSettings if you are using older NopC version /Admin/Setting/GeneralCommon

You need to link the CSS and js file using the NopCommerce inbuild HTML helper like the below code snippet for the NopC bundling and minification to work

NopHtml.AppendCssFileParts({path of your CSS file});
Eg: NopHtml.AppendCssFileParts("~/lib_npm/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.css");

NopHtml.AppendScriptParts(ResourceLocation.{location}, {path of your js file})
Eg: NopHtml.AppendScriptParts(ResourceLocation.Footer, "~/js/public.countryselect.js")
1 month ago
Thank you so much for this much detail post. I would love to use this platform again and again. I am going to bookmark it right now.