What Category is default in Breadcrumbs?

3 weeks ago
I let my products exist in several categories, for example "Black Friday", "Weekly Theme", "Outlet", "Women Shoes"

In this case "Women Shoes" is the default category. But at the PDP the breadcrumb often is some other of the categories. Is there some way i can choose what category to be Default. For me it can be as easy as always chose the first category in the list, but i really dont know where to change this.  

Well i see know that sortorder is what is sorted today. Not optimal for me as a main category can have the same sort order as a subcategory at another level. Bur at least i know understand the problem
3 weeks ago
I have also considered this an issue in the past, we have many products that may appear in maybe three different categories but when viewing the product from example category A, the breadcrumb will show from category D and take the customer away from the category they were viewing.
Would it not be a great feature for the breadcrumb to show the category they were viewing when they clicked on the product?
Is this possible?
3 weeks ago
Well, it's not only a problem with the breadcrumb but this also happens with the product URL if you have opted to include category name in the product URL using this "Product URL structure type" setting under your nopCommerce catalog settings.

Right now, dynamic URL structure and breadcrumb isn't supported by nopCommerce and there's no good fix available for it because of the current structure of nopCommerce routing.

There can be work-arounds developed via plugin using which you can display a breadcrumb based on current navigation unless the user changes browser tab and even the category URL in the product URL can be made dynamic based on from which category the customer is visiting a product.

Similarly, you can also provide sitemap generation of products with multiple categories with the same logic.

But as per default nopCommerce solution, it's better to map a product with one category only otherwise it creates problem with the SEO.

Best regards,