
I need to add more validations to the addresses, I don't want to change the original code.
Is there a way to do this with a plugin?

I tried to implement this but only the rules that are translated to the client side work.

If I try to create a custom validation, the validation is ignored.

        public class AddressValidator : BaseNopValidator<AddressModel>
        public AddressValidator(ILocalizationService localizationService,
          IStateProvinceService stateProvinceService,
          AddressSettings addressSettings,
          CustomerSettings customerSettings)
      //This Works
            RuleFor(model => model.Address2)

      //This Works
            RuleFor(model => model.Address2).MinimumLength(2)

      //This does not work
            RuleFor(model => model.Address2).Custom((x, context) =>
                if (x == "Test")