Plugin - Get Current StoreId (Multi-Store)

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9 years ago

Im creating a new plugin. In a specific controller's method, Im trying to get the storeid by _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id.

But the result is always the same storeId.

When I access the stores by URL, I see them correctly, only my plugin is getting the wrong storeid.

Can you help?

9 years ago
Let me check it. How do you get "_storeContext"?
9 years ago
Adding it to private readonly fields, then controller´s constructor.

like everywhere.
9 years ago
Try get it inside constructor by EngineContext:

_storeContext = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IStoreContext>();

instead of injection through controller constructor.
9 years ago
No.. same wrong store id.
9 years ago

Please have a look at following sites (that I setup as multiple stores):

Their store ids in order: 1, 2, 3, 4.

You can see that information under "FEATURED PRODUCTS" section.

Current Store Id - 1
Current Store Id - 2
Current Store Id - 3
Current Store Id - 4

Of course, I returned it from a plugin.
And I used this code block to got current store id:


Hope this help :)
9 years ago
I overrode the EfRepository<Product> GetById method in my plugin.

There I need get the store Id, and Im using EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IStoreContext>() like you suggested. But it is the data layer, maybe there, the store context doesnt exist, so it could the cause of this problem.

What do you think?
9 years ago

The store id was correct. The EF was cheating me auto updating the database.


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