
We are upgrading from 3.2 to 3.6 and have a separate Nop instance running for 3.6.  I am trying to get test emails to send and I get a message "Failure sending mail."  There is nothing in the logs or message queue about the failed emails.

I have the email account configured exactly like it is on our live 3.2 site, but I cannot get it to work.  All emails, including test emails, work just fine on our 3.2 live site.

My Email Account settings are:

Email Address: [email protected]
Display Name: Estores
Host: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 587
User: [email protected]
SSL: enabled
Default Creds: no enabled

I have seen some other posts about people having trouble sending with gmail and they indicate the problem is with gmail and not NOP.  But if that was the case, why does it work on our live site with the same settings we have always used?

Any help would be appreciated.

