Using nop 3.8
Works fine on my development machine, but on the test machine I get many 401 errors on admin pages. For example looking at a product.
I have checked NTFS rights and everything looks good. Restarted, cleared cache, switched browsers, did the Global.asax trick, IISRESET, same results. SSL is off, as is XSRF.
Does not seem to affect functionality - which is really odd.
Lines from Chrome Console:
jquery-1.10.2.min.js:6 POST http://nop38web.dpd/Admin/Product/ProductSpecAttrList?productId=45 401 (Unauthorized)
tinymce.min.js:4 GET http://nop38web.dpd/Administration/Content/tinymce/plugins/insertdatetime/plugin.min.js
jquery-1.10.2.min.js:6 POST http://nop38web.dpd/Admin/Product/PurchasedWithOrders?productId=43 401 (Unauthorized)

Any ideas?