Ok, after being unsuccessful in getting the 2.2 running after running the scripts and following procedure, I decided to do a manual upgrade. My data is really small don't know why it didn't upgrade.
But anyways, I have lots of translation done and alot of manufacturers also plenty of SEO in other languages.

I exported my product list, I know to import I am going to have to add a few more fields.
I am exporting the manufacturers list in xml, although in 2.1 i don't see where I can re-import.
I will be making a copy of all my topics in html in all my languages to start the page up asap.
Also going to be exporting the categories.

Now my question is, some items dont have the ability onscreen to import the exported xml,
this includes manufacturers and categories.

ANy tips what else I need to do to make this transition as quickly as possible.
Also any volunteers to examine or to help figure out whats wrong with my data?
I have a fully translated nopcom from 2.1 to spanish I can exchange in barter.
The data is small at only 1.1 mb.

its small cause I dont store images on the database.