PDF Invoice with wrong price / Confirmation page wrong prices as well.

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12 years ago
This is a small cross post sorry to https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/13086/ivoice-and-package-slip-pdf-questions-and-one-bug.aspx

But there was no answer there so I think i move a part of the question here.

When I use old price, new price the print invoice seems to use the old price.

Same with the confirmation page on the end of checkout!

can anyone check, confirm, fix :-)

12 years ago
Please provide some screenshots with description what exactly is wrong.

P.S. Do not duplicate forum topics.
12 years ago
Sorry Andrei

Was just a part that was in the wrong forum. Here are the details of the problem.


You might have scroll a bit down in the beginning to see the two prices.

12 years ago
Your exchange rates are properly not configured - https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/12868/error-in-display-of-prices.aspx
12 years ago

It was exactely that. Strange is that CHF was set to 'Is primary exchange rate currence' as well as 'Is primary store currency'.

The only think I can imagin is that it was Euro at one stage (maybe default installation) and CHF got an exchange rate of 1.23.

Well I set the rate of CHF back to 1 and now it seems to work.

Would it make sense that if you click on Mark as primary exchange rate currency

a) to give a warning that rates must be adjusted
b) set the Rate of the primary exchange rate currency to 1 (I assume this it what it should be)
c) give an option to update the other currencies now.

12 years ago
I'm also having this problem, with the wrong amount showing in the users account... But cannot figure out why?

I have GBP as the only currency enabled and the tick box is ticked for all three of the following:

- Is primary exchange rate currency
- Is primary store currency
- Published

??? Am I missing anything else ???

Also, on the /Admin/Currency/List page - On the gridview, if I click the refresh button in the lower left corner it refreshed but the tick boxes and select buttons disappear and I'm left with true/false values running along each line.

And now

- Is primary exchange rate currency
- Is primary store currency

Are showing as false?? But if I reload the page click the select buttons to enable them and save the page (They are showing as enabled again), but click the lower left refresh.. Again the buttons and check boxes disappear and they are showing as false!!!
12 years ago
What table stores the primary exchange rate ID? I'll check its actually being set there
12 years ago
Ensure that exchange rate of GBP is set to 1
12 years ago
Hey Andrei,

Thanks I have set it to 1 now, but its still showing the wrong price in the PDF invoice - But I checked in the DB and its the correct price.  also checked the settings and the default currency etc.. is all set to the GBP ID?

Do I have to reset IIS for the changes to take effect?
12 years ago
Actually it is working on new orders now, just the old order is showing the wrong value...

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