Upgrade 1.90 to 2.0 Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

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12 years ago
I am upgrading from 1.90 to 2.00 (to eventually go to 2.50). This is a local install. I have downloaded and built the source for 2.0 in VS2010 and ran prepare.bat and deploy.bat all successfully. On the install page I enter the appropriate details and uncheck "Create sample data" and click install. The "Installing nopCommerce.." screen with the little progress bar is displayed for about 20 secs then I get "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". I have clicked on "Diagnose Connection Problems" nothing there. I have checked the database logs nothing there, also nothing in the event viewer. I have even tried a "virgin install" specifying a new databse and checking "Create sample data", same result. I have checked that the 190 site is working ok and everything is fine there. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
12 years ago
OOPS nothing to do with nopCommerce, ie9 strikes again. For some reason ie9 initial install set a timeout of 10secs for the admin user, although no timeout set on my one other non admin user. As I am developing locally I have MSSQL2012 trial, IIS7 and VS2010 (as well as some other stuff, Outlook etc) all running on my poor overburdened PC which meant the install process was all taking a little over 11 secs and with the ie9 timeout of 10 secs hence my problem. I upped the timeout value by a factor of ten and all is well. I did find that all the failed attempts had got so far and duplicated a lot of stuff so I had to blow everything away, restore and start again. In case anybody else hits this, the timeout value it is set in the registry in key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ReceiveTimeout. Although my other non admin user does not have this key, which I guess means no timeout, although I haven't gotten round to trying without it on my admin user as yet.
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