No product images showing after upgrade from 1.9 - 2.65

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11 years ago
Hi thanks for reading this,

Have followed incremental upgrade steps from v1.9 thru to v2.65 and everything appears to be fine except no product images are showing (there is just the default No Image Available placeholder showing).

What I did...
1) Backed up image folder/database and site files of v1.90
2) Went through upgrade process from v1.9 - v.2.0-v2.1-v2.2-v2.3-v2.4-v2.5-v2.6-v2.65
3) uploaded saved product images to Content/Images folder and thumbs to Content/Images/Thumbs

Have checked the database and picture/picture mapping tables all look fine and even compared to original 1.90 database tables and everything looks in place.

The only thing I've noticed is if I upload a new product image it works fine except

i) the naming seems to be different to my original image files -
original images have format:

new uploaded images have format:

ii) all the new images only appear to be in thumbs folder where as original 1.90 pictures were in Image + Thumbnail folder

Any help would be great...I feel like i've fallen at the last damn hurdle before I can make it live :(

*FORGOT TO MENTION - original 1.90 version and all new 2.x versions were set to save images to file system
11 years ago
Try debugging the application in order to know what is wrong and why images cannot be loaded. Have a look at \Libraries\Nop.Services\Media\PictureService.cs file, GetPictureUrl method.

inklabs wrote:
3) uploaded saved product images to Content/Images folder and thumbs to Content/Images/Thumbs

There is no need to save images in /Content/Images/Thumbs during upgrade.
11 years ago
Thanks Andrei for your kind response, apologies for not replying sooner I've been on the road and only just got back.

I'm not a dev so I had a look at what you suggested in Visual Studio but it was way above my head  so went back to some basic troubleshooting. I decided to go through the entire process again on the premise that because it doesn't appear to be a common issue and I managed to upgrade sucessfully apart form the images - the problem lay with the process rather than the application or server set-up (Arvixe Shared Hosting).

The answer, in turns out, lay in this previous thread (credit goes to Simon.UK)

(what worked for me - NOTE this is for product images stored to file system in v1.90 prior to upgrade to v2.00!)

1)  - It appears you have to upload your images BEFORE you run the application and install v2.0 site to v1.90 database and before you run the upgrade script

I repeat: MAKE SURE you copy all of the photos into the correct images folder BEFORE you run the website or you run the risk of breaking the links!


a) Backup v1.90 site files and copy/zip your product images in 'images' folder to somewhere safe you will need these later (DO NOT BACKUP THUMBS OR OTHER UI IMAGES IN THIS FOLDER!)

- you would be vigilant to backup your 1.90 database at this stage as well in case you forget later!

- you would be vigilant to make a note of all your store settings in admin BEFORE upgrading as some get wiped - see Simon.UK notes at end of this message!

b) Delete all v1.90 site files from root directory and upload/unzip 'nopCommerce_2.00_NoSource' files to root directory.

2) - UPLOAD YOUR BACKED UP IMAGES to ->Content ->Images folder

3) - now run the site or go to home url and install v2.00 webiste to your existing v1.90 database - making sure you've already backed-up your database!

4) then run v2.00 upgrade script (nopCommerce_2.00_UpgardeScripts) against the v1.90 database to update the database and follow the rest of the instructions in the upgrade script readme file (step 7 onwards)

5) - run the site or go to home url and login as administrator -> goto Administration -> Configuration -> Settings -> Media Settings and under 'Pictures are stored into...: ' -> click 'change' to change from default 'database' to 'file system' -> click 'Save' and check for update notice 'The settings have been updated successfully. '

If it's all gone well you should be able to navigate to home url and all the product/category pictures should be there! - You can then grab a cold one or whatever you're poison is and breathe a sigh of relief!

other points of note from Simon.UK's post:

If your images are stored in the database do not change it before the upgrade! You need to change it after successful upgrade (it will then copy all the files into the correct folder)

The upgrade process doesnt keep your topics so make a note of those (machine names) and content. If you can run a version of your old website just do what we did and cut and paste across - keeps all the formatting.

It doesnt copy across your store name, SEO, or other basic shop info so make a note of all ot these. (the READEME file tells you this, but didnt realise just how much it doesnt copy. Most importantly all products, categories, mappings and news ARE automactically copied.

RE: upgrade to 2.65
You should now follow the stepwise upgrade steps as normal starting with 2.1 -> 2.2 -> 2.3 ->2.4 -> 2.5 -> 2.6 -> 2.65

As my product images are already zipped I plan to just unzip them at every step and check the site just to make sure the links aren't broken. I'm not sure how necessary this is but it makes sense to be sure.

Hope this helps anyone else wanting to upgrade/having issues. Thanks to Andrei, crew and you the community for making this excellent project thrive!
10 years ago
I think I have the same issue.
Spent most of the day following all instructions, and went from 1.9 all the way to 3.0.
Only to see that product images that I copied to Content\Images\ are not displaying.
The thumbnails are.
is there an alternative way to fix it other then going trough all the steps.
Was prev poster suggesting going all the way from 1.9 to 3 or just that repeating that first step 1.9 to 2.0?
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