Adding more statuses

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11 years ago

I want to know how to add more options in

Order status
Payment status
Shipping status

I have more status' than nopcommerce offer

Please advise where can i add these.

11 years ago
Hi experts
i appreciate a reply on this topic
10 years ago
Hi All,

I bumped myself into a similar problem.
I am trying to write a payment plugin for a local payment processing company. They already have developped a working plugin for nop 2.65 and now want an upgraded version for nop 3.00.
They gave me the old plugin source files to start with. Looking to their work I realise that they practically extended the 'PaymentStatus' and the 'OrderStatus' enumerations, by adding some relevand values for their payment gateway. For example, they added to 'PaymentStatus' enum a new value 'OnHold = 60'.
I realize that in order to make this work they needed to rebuild the whole nop solution (starting from the nop source, of course), so that the two enums may be also updated. So they did and that made them happy.

Now they ask me to 'update' their plugin to nop 3.00, without chaging the orginal nop sources. That puts me in the odd situation of trying to 'extend' the 'PaymentStatus' enum and the 'OrderStatus' enum in my plugin only.

Can anyone give me some ideea on how this should be solved ?

I appreaciate any help.
Sorin Solescu
10 years ago
I would think it depends on the "workflow".  What do those extra statuses do?
In any case, they are not part of core nopC workflow, so if you're looking to make the plugin "public", then they should probably be removed.
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