Registration form not work properly - Mozilla Firefox 3.0.9

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15 years ago
In version 1.10, 1.11 Registration form not work properly (Mozilla Firefox 3.0.9).
In IE it`s OK.
After filling form on click button not post data to server.
15 years ago
I just tested this in Firefox 3.0.8 (then updated to 3.0.9) and worked fine for both.

Are all fields completed/valid? Could some other people test please.

15 years ago
Yes. I use plugins in browser maybe because it`s happen. Sometimes session on captcha not valid. Tomorrow i will test on another computer.
15 years ago
I tested public demo version 1.11 with Mozilla 3.0.10 on another computer - it`s not work too!
Could some other people test please.
15 years ago
I use FF 3.0.10. Everything works great!
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