shipping with FedEx

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11 years ago
please help me..

I am trying to use the FedEx Shipping Gateway in nop2.65. I have generated the FedEx Key,
and the other details required and have configured these all in the administration section.
But the thing is that when I am trying to complete the check out process then the service is saying
"authentication failed"

the error at admin section SYSTEM-->LOGO

Short message:   File does not exist.

Full message:   System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): File does not exist. at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.ProcessRequestForNonMapPathBasedVirtualFile(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, String overrideVirtualPath) at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpContext context, String overrideVirtualPath) at System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback callback, Object state) at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

11 years ago
Try Estimate Shipping.  Do you get same result?
The above err msg does not look to be shipping related.  Did you do any custom coding?
11 years ago
thanks for replay
i am tried that one also,getting same error
i did not do any changes in coding side.
11 years ago
What is your URL in the Fedex configuration?
It should be this for production
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