updating plugin on live environment

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11 years ago

I'd like to know the correct sequence of steps needed to update  a custom nopcommerce plugin?

Just overwrite the new .dll to the /plugins/payments.pluginname/nop.plugins.payments.pluginname.dll doesn't seem to have any effect?

or should it be placed in /plugins/bin folder?

(i also tried updating the version number in description.txt, reloaded the nopplugin list and noticed the plugin version number is updated, yet still it looks like it is still using the old dll instead of the new one)

seems like dll in  /plugins/bin folder is locked?

11 years ago
Copy the DLL to it's plugin folder then you need to trigger an application pool reset.  Either touch the web.config, global.asax, change a file in the root /bin, or reset the app pool directly in IIS.  The plugins are only loaded during the application startup function.
11 years ago
turned out to be a plugin .dll being locked by the file system.

I still would like to know the exact sequence of steps needed to execute in order to update a plugin, just to be sure ;-)

11 years ago
PS: thanks andy, seems like our posts crossed ;-)
11 years ago
still having updating issues
tried everything
touching web.config
recycling application pool

still nopcommerce seems to be using the old dlls (even deleted the dlls to be sure...)

could this be a medium trust issue?
11 years ago
stop & start IIS does the trick for me
11 years ago
yeah.. unfortunately I'm not able to force IIS reset on my live environment myself...

seems I'm experiencing this issue?

11 years ago
after hard iis reset and deleting /plugins/bin folder I suddenly get the error message below:

We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete.
Our supporting staff has been notified with this error and will address this issue shortly. We profusely apologize for the inconvenience and for any damage this may cause. You might want to try the same action at later time.

I cannot see any more details in the log table?

what's happening here?

11 years ago
restored backup to "fix" the issue...
11 years ago
I think the /plugins/bin folder has to exist.
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