hi I encounter a little problem with setting up mail server in IIS.

as well as in the store, always fails for some reason..

store "mail settings"

[email protected]
port: 25
user: 123

use default credentials

when sending test emails it never worked for some reason...

I guess I have to set it up in IIS 7.0
So i go to SMTP email setting in IIS.

it does not allow me to save any settings just saying: cannot write to web.config due to insufficient permissions.

but I've set that particular file accessible for all user in the machine.

Also the SMTP service has been started and relay set to

telnet command open 25, only gives "press any key to continue...."

can anyone help? i'm sure it's just some small thing I'm missing here...have no understanding of how SMTP works whatsoever...

thanks a lot nopcommerce team...