Include WebService

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11 years ago
Hi Team,

I am new to nopCommerce and I am trying to get an understanding of the code.

I have a scenario where I want to refer to a web service and display some data.

In such scenario, I would like to know, which project I should use as per the structured  nopCommerce source code architecture?

Should I use the Presentation and add a web reference in Nop.Web and Nop.Admin or should I use some core classes?

Please suggest.

Thank You.
11 years ago
archie1585 wrote:
Hi Team,

I am new to nopCommerce and I am trying to get an understanding of the code.

I have a scenario where I want to refer to a web service and display some data.

In such scenario, I would like to know, which project I should use as per the structured  nopCommerce source code architecture?

Should I use the Presentation and add a web reference in Nop.Web and Nop.Admin or should I use some core classes?

Please suggest.

Thank You.

Which version are you using? You might find a project named 'Nop.Plugin.Misc.WebServices', which does something similar as requested. Extend the plugin, and you are good to go! :D
11 years ago
Thanks for u r reply.

I am using 2.65 version.

I need to add a new webservice. And I would like to call the webmethod of this service in Nop.Web.

So Adding a web service can be done in Nop.Plugin.Misc.WebServices.

Then, I should add a web reference in Nop.Web and call the method from my controller.

Is my understanding correct?

I want to know the process in which I can add and consume web service in NopCommerce code because the code is so well-organised and i dont want to disturb the flow or the framework and architecture.

Please suggest.

Thank You.
11 years ago
archie1585 wrote:
Thanks for u r reply.

I am using 2.65 version.

I need to add a new webservice. And I would like to call the webmethod of this service in Nop.Web.

So Adding a web service can be done in Nop.Plugin.Misc.WebServices.

Then, I should add a web reference in Nop.Web and call the method from my controller.

Is my understanding correct?

I want to know the process in which I can add and consume web service in NopCommerce code because the code is so well-organised and i dont want to disturb the flow or the framework and architecture.

Please suggest.

Thank You.

You can create a plugin that exposes services, and a separate plugin that consume it, then you don't need to (or have very little intervention) mess up the original source code. :D
11 years ago
I suggest adding a new class in project Nop.Services (and call your webservice from there) and then from your controller in Nop.Web call your new service class, then create a viewmodel and return a view
11 years ago
keesjan wrote:
I suggest adding a new class in project Nop.Services (and call your webservice from there) and then from your controller in Nop.Web call your new service class, then create a viewmodel and return a view


I'm interested in consuming a web service also and eventually displaying the results in a view.

When you say to create a new class, should it be at the root of Nop.Services or in one of the folders?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

11 years ago

This is what I have done.

I have a web service and its URL. I have created a plugin and added web reference in that plugin.

To create a Plugin, Refer:

In the same plugin, in my view.. I am displaying the data from web service.

This plugin will be called from Nop.Web.

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