nopCommerce version 3.0

From the SEO prospective, we want search engines to index those products that perhaphs are unavailable at the moment but we will restock it in the near future.

I keep the product published = 1 and deleted = 0 but the available date is in the future.

The store procedure doesn't return these items therefore search engines get Page Not found

i did replace:
IF @ShowHidden = 0
    SET @sql = @sql + '
    AND p.Published = 1
    AND pv.Published = 1
    AND pv.Deleted = 0
    AND (getutcdate() BETWEEN ISNULL(pv.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/1900'') and ISNULL(pv.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc, ''1/1/2999''))'

IF @ShowHidden = 0
    SET @sql = @sql + '
    AND p.Published = 1
    AND pv.Published = 1
    AND pv.Deleted = 0

but that may not be an ideal solution