2.80 Upgrade Script Fails

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10 years ago
Hi All,

Oh Boy.  So I am taking the plunge to upgrade from 2.65 to 3.10. Ran my upgrade 2.70 script just fine.  Tried to run the 2.80 script and get the following error:

Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Name', table 'taWeb.dbo.ProductVariantAttributeValue'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.
The statement has been terminated.

After restoring and retrying a number of times, I just happened to notice something interesting, that hopefully will provide some kind of clue to the problem. The timestamp on the 2.70 script is 03.31.2013, while the 2.80 script is 3.28.2013 -- 3 days earlier. Could something have been changed after the 2.80 was released in the 2.70 script that broke the 2.80 script?

Running SQL Server 2008 R2, if that helps.

Please help if you can.

Thank you!

- HB
10 years ago
It was a bug that the Name field in ProductVariantAttributeValue allowed nulls.  It was fixed.
You have a null value in Name field in one or more of your records.

Update it in the Admin interface (if you can find it :), or for now...

UPDATE [dbo].[ProductVariantAttributeValue]
    SET Name = "some name"
  WHERE Name is null
10 years ago
Thank you SO much, New York!  Somehow I had 18 rows with Nulls. I deleted them and was able to run the upgrade scripts through 3.10 with no further problems. I was thinking that since the design of the table didn't allow nulls, that there couldn't possibly be any, so I didn't look any further until I got your reply.

Thank you again.  Onward I go...!! :)

- HB
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