Nop 3.10: Emulate behaviour of Product With Single Variant

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10 years ago

Is it possible to have a Grouped Product show up in search like a product w/ single variant used to?  IE have the Add To Cart button, and a single price instead of 'From 123.99' etc?

We are using Grouped Products to house our content on a UPC / Gtin basis, and publish an associated product based upon vendor availability and lowest price, etc.

Any ideas?
10 years ago
This works:

(From CatalogController.cs)

switch (product.ProductType)
                        case ProductType.GroupedProduct:
                                #region Grouped product

                                var associatedProducts = _productService.SearchProducts(
                                    storeId: _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
                                    visibleIndividuallyOnly: false,
                                    parentGroupedProductId: product.Id);

                                switch (associatedProducts.Count)
                                    case 0:
                                            //no associated products
                                            priceModel.OldPrice = null;
                                            priceModel.Price = null;
                                            priceModel.DisableBuyButton = true;
                                            priceModel.DisableWishlistButton = true;
                                            priceModel.AvailableForPreOrder = false;
                                    //edited to add case for single product variant - ajk
                                    case 1:
                                            if (_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.DisplayPrices))
                                                var associatedProduct = associatedProducts.First();
                                                var tmpPrice = _priceCalculationService.GetFinalPrice(associatedProduct,
                                                        _workContext.CurrentCustomer, decimal.Zero, true, int.MaxValue);

                                                Product minPriceProduct = associatedProduct;
                                                decimal? minPossiblePrice = tmpPrice;

                                                decimal taxRate = decimal.Zero;
                                                decimal finalPriceBase = _taxService.GetProductPrice(minPriceProduct, minPossiblePrice.Value, out taxRate);
                                                decimal finalPrice = _currencyService.ConvertFromPrimaryStoreCurrency(finalPriceBase, _workContext.WorkingCurrency);

                                                priceModel.OldPrice = null;
                                                priceModel.Price = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(finalPrice);

                                                model.Availability = associatedProduct.FormatStockMessage(_localizationService);

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