nopCommerce 3.30 is coming. BETA testers needed.

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10 years ago
congthanhgiong wrote:
Responsivefilemanager looks great but take time to convert to

What about this , look so cool and it's open source too.

It's 100%

Very easy to integrate to tinymce 4.x, please take a look. I set it up with nop 3.3 and has worked flawlessly so far.

That's a very nice plugin and according to the site, it's free for redistribution...

"This project is released under The MIT License. Feel free to edit/re-distribute in any way that is helpful to you." It's uses .NET 4.0 framework and sourcecode is included.

Thanks for finding this, Congthanhgiong! :)
9 years ago
yep good find - just integrated here in 3.3 site.

hope to see this added as default in next release :)
9 years ago
mattbrummett wrote:
Responsivefilemanager looks great but take time to convert to

What about this , look so cool and it's open source too.

It's 100%

Very easy to integrate to tinymce 4.x, please take a look. I set it up with nop 3.3 and has worked flawlessly so far.

That's a very nice plugin and according to the site, it's free for redistribution...

"This project is released under The MIT License. Feel free to edit/re-distribute in any way that is helpful to you." It's uses .NET 4.0 framework and sourcecode is included.

Thanks for finding this, Congthanhgiong! :)

I really like this and I've just integrated it into my solution in around 25 mins - would need the front end converting to MVC though to be viable for release I think though?

It currently requires its own application (or virtual directory in VS) which is fine for a developer but not suitable for distribution.

Is a really good solution works great! - if you require any help integrating into MVC then let me know I'd be willing to help out here.

9 years ago
carljackson wrote:

It currently requires its own application (or virtual directory in VS) which is fine for a developer but not suitable for distribution.

not true - just copy the contents of it's web.config into your root web.config, and it's DLL into your BIN folder and it runs just fine - I know because that's what I did ;)
9 years ago
miles wrote:

It currently requires its own application (or virtual directory in VS) which is fine for a developer but not suitable for distribution.

not true - just copy the contents of it's web.config into your root web.config, and it's DLL into your BIN folder and it runs just fine - I know because that's what I did ;)

Where did you put the dialog.aspx file and js /css fiolders? just at the root of the application?
9 years ago
ok, just checking, so

I put TinyFileManager folder (with bin, css, img, js subfolders and dialog.aspx & web.config) in my 'content' folder
I edited the web.config in 'TinyFileManager' folder to point to my custom content folder
I put TinyFileManager.DLL in my 'bin' folder
I edited RichEditor.cshtml as below

$(document).ready(function () {
        tfm_path = '/content/tinyfilemanager';
            selector: "#@ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId(string.Empty)",
            height: 350,
            width: 790,
            plugins: [
                "advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor",
                "searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen",
                "insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste@(canUploadPictures ? " jbimages" : null)"
            toolbar: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image@(canUploadPictures ? " jbimages" : null)",
            //"relative_urls" required by jbimages plugin to be set to "false"
            //but in this case it'll break existing links (e.g. message template tokens)
            relative_urls: true

looks like I didn't change root web.config - sorry my bad
9 years ago
mile solution is brilliant.

but the web.config, still need to update to work in my case
9 years ago
miles wrote:
ok, just checking, so

I put TinyFileManager folder (with bin, css, img, js subfolders and dialog.aspx & web.config) in my 'content' folder
I edited the web.config in 'TinyFileManager' folder to point to my custom content folder
I put TinyFileManager.DLL in my 'bin' folder
I edited RichEditor.cshtml as below

$(document).ready(function () {
        tfm_path = '/content/tinyfilemanager';
            selector: "#@ViewData.TemplateInfo.GetFullHtmlFieldId(string.Empty)",
            height: 350,
            width: 790,
            plugins: [
                "advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor",
                "searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen",
                "insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste@(canUploadPictures ? " jbimages" : null)"
            toolbar: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image@(canUploadPictures ? " jbimages" : null)",
            //"relative_urls" required by jbimages plugin to be set to "false"
            //but in this case it'll break existing links (e.g. message template tokens)
            relative_urls: true

looks like I didn't change root web.config - sorry my bad

Hello, first thank you for share this solution.

I would like a help if possible, i am following all those step but when i try to upload a image it's showing the home page of the website.

Do you have any suggestion what can be causing this?

Thank you
9 years ago
You should read the install instruction from the site

Edit web.config

Inside the /distro/ folder, there is a web.config file. This file contains most of the application settings for your TinyFileManager.NET installation. See the Configure section of this page for detailed information about the settings.

Most important for the installation process will be the UploadPath and ThumbPath settings. Set and take note of these values.
- See more at:

edit webconfig if you need to change your upload path / thumbpath

for ex: original web.config


>> i changed it to

9 years ago
Thank you it was very helpfull.

I just need to change the target of the framework from 4.0 to 4.5 of the gallery.

After it i add the files in a Content strucuture as explained and add reference to the dll.

Now it's working!

Thank's very much.
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