TrendyShoes1.90.1 is updating products (WARNING: avoid

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14 years ago
Larry, thanks for your contribution of  your designing nop shop.
Now I use your Nopcommerce shop 1.5(include source) to built my e shop. and use your hangbag template as my web site skin. and them I do some change on homepage such as my e shop logo, flash pic.... I am going to  setup my website on the machine whice is supplied by application service provider(ASP) .  but I found a big problem like this:

1 Database of NopCommerce shop1.5 is base on mssql2005, as you know,  MSsql2005 is require at least 2G memory. the more memory it occupy, the more money you must paid. whatever I do, I found is high price for me to  pay for ASP, Mssql2005 runtime environment is cost much money than mysql. although your shop is free,but price of maintenance is high. so, do you really consider to  cut down mainterance price by support mysql or sql2000? may be some has also meet this problem

2  l look your shop source code carefully , and I found that the product pic is saved in DB, not in file dirtory. Once the prodcut become larger and larger. the space  of DB is limite. the DB may became slowly. so do you consider this key point?  how do you solve this problem

BTW, when I use your free template of hangbag, It throw some wrong prompt the fashionshoe theme is not exist. so I copy  HANGBAG file dirctory and change name into fashionshoe, then it run normal, may be there is some problem withe you zip FILES. I see some one also meet it.

Thanks for your understanding and i'm looking forward to your reply.

14 years ago
Larry, thanks for your contribution of  your designing nop shop.
Now I use your Nopcommerce shop 1.5(include source) to built my e shop. and use your hangbag template as my web site skin. and them I do some change on homepage such as my e shop logo, flash pic.... I am going to  setup my website on the machine whice is supplied by application service provider(ASP) .  but I found a big problem like this:
14 years ago
1 Database of NopCommerce shop1.5 is base on mssql2005, as you know,  MSsql2005 is require at least 2G memory. the more memory it occupy, the more money you must paid. whatever I do, I found is high price for me to  pay for ASP, Mssql2005 runtime environment is cost much money than mysql. although your shop is free,but price of maintenance is high. so, do you really consider to  cut down mainterance price by support mysql or sql2000? may be some has also meet this problem

2  l look your shop source code carefully , and I found that the product pic is saved in DB, not in file dirtory. Once the prodcut become larger and larger. the space  of DB is limite. the DB may became slowly. so do you consider this key point?  how do you solve this problem

BTW, when I use your free template of hangbag, It throw some wrong prompt the fashionshoe theme is not exist. so I copy  HANGBAG file dirctory and change name into fashionshoe, then it run normal, may be there is some problem withe you zip FILES. I see some one also meet it.

Thanks for your understanding and i'm looking forward to your reply.

14 years ago
14 years ago
doublewod wrote:
Larry, thanks for your contribution of  your designing nop shop.
Now I use your Nopcommerce shop 1.5(include source) to built my e shop. and use your hangbag template as my web site skin. and them I do some change on homepage such as my e shop logo, flash pic.... I am going to  setup my website on the machine whice is supplied by application service provider(ASP) .  but I found a big problem like this:

1 Database of NopCommerce shop1.5 is base on mssql2005, as you know,  MSsql2005 is require at least 2G memory. the more memory it occupy, the more money you must paid. whatever I do, I found is high price for me to  pay for ASP, Mssql2005 runtime environment is cost much money than mysql. although your shop is free,but price of maintenance is high. so, do you really consider to  cut down mainterance price by support mysql or sql2000? may be some has also meet this problem

2  l look your shop source code carefully , and I found that the product pic is saved in DB, not in file dirtory. Once the prodcut become larger and larger. the space  of DB is limite. the DB may became slowly. so do you consider this key point?  how do you solve this problem

BTW, when I use your free template of hangbag, It throw some wrong prompt the fashionshoe theme is not exist. so I copy  HANGBAG file dirctory and change name into fashionshoe, then it run normal, may be there is some problem withe you zip FILES. I see some one also meet it.

Thanks for your understanding and i'm looking forward to your reply.


Hi Dick,

As a business, we have found several defects of our templates mainly around installing. And Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate your time and effort!

doublewod wrote:

1 Database of NopCommerce shop1.5 is base on mssql2005, as you know,  MSsql2005 is require at least 2G memory. the more memory it occupy, the more money you must paid. whatever I do, I found is high price for me to  pay for ASP, Mssql2005 runtime environment is cost much money than mysql. although your shop is free,but price of maintenance is high. so, do you really consider to  cut down mainterance price by support mysql or sql2000? may be some has also meet this problem

are you running it on your local server or a rent hosting?

There's a tool in sqlserver2005 which helps you export database (including table/data/store procedure/trigger basically all) to scripts and you can use it to export your local database and run the script in you hosting.

doublewod wrote:

2  l look your shop source code carefully , and I found that the product pic is saved in DB, not in file dirtory. Once the prodcut become larger and larger. the space  of DB is limite. the DB may became slowly. so do you consider this key point?  how do you solve this problem

True, this is done by nopcommerce team. We all have to figure out a way to solve this.
This is also a contriversial issue in all projects such as nopcommerce. At the end of the day, when the database is hugh like 10g or even more, it's like a match beween file system efficiency and database system efficiency.  I dont have such test information with me at hand though.

I also heard complains from my customers especially selling clothes Jewellery, they need their image resolution as high as possible, store the images in database will decrease the resolution, even if you set the maxium size of image to 10000. I think this is the database picture resize algorithm defect.

The best way to solve this is rewrite several methods in business logic. We dont have such code with us now.
14 years ago
Hi Larry,
Just wondering if any of your themes had an ajax cart implementation whereby the cart updates wihout the user leaving the product listing screen?
14 years ago
thomen wrote:
Hi Larry,
Just wondering if any of your themes had an ajax cart implementation whereby the cart updates wihout the user leaving the product listing screen?

We dont have such code with us at the moment, but this is a reasonable requirement we'll consider this in the release of ajax category page.


13 years ago
/////           ////////
13 years ago
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="bcastr4.swf?xml=
            <title>Computer shop</title>
            <title>Jewelry shop</title>
            <title>Handbag shop</title>
    "  width="432px" height="246px" wmode="Opaque">
    <param name="movie" value="bcastr4.swf?xml=
            <title>Computer shop</title>
            <title>Jewelry shop</title>
            <title>Handbag shop</title>
      </data>" />
      <param name="wmode" value="Opaque" />
13 years ago
How can I create a flash banner for my nopcommerce in 10 mins?
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