SwedishLanguage Pack v1.5 coming up

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14 years ago
I'm working on the Swedish language pack and hope to launch it during May.
14 years ago
Would be very nice !
14 years ago
We need it!
14 years ago
Thanks :-)
14 years ago
Är det någon som vet vilket format man ska sätta på XML-filen. Å, ä och Ö ser ok ut i XML-filen men det blir inte rätt i NOP.
14 years ago
sorupp wrote:
Är det någon som vet vilket format man ska sätta på XML-filen. Å, ä och Ö ser ok ut i XML-filen men det blir inte rätt i NOP.

Google Translation:
Does anyone know what format you should turn on the XML file. Å, Ä and Ö looks ok in the XML file but it is not right in the NOP.

Try encoding the file as UTF-8 with signature (BOM, byte order mark).

14 years ago
Thanks for the translation, I wrote in Swedish to get help from someone in Sweden  ;-)

Unfortunally it did not work, I have the same problem with the swedish letters Å, Ä and Ö.

Any other suggestions??
14 years ago
sorupp wrote:
Thanks for the translation, I wrote in Swedish to get help from someone in Sweden  ;-)

Unfortunally it did not work, I have the same problem with the swedish letters Å, Ä and Ö.

Any other suggestions??

Can you post a link to the resource file?

I have merged the Swedish 1.20 version language pack with the English language pack and I can see those characters on a nopCommerce 1.50 install, so it may still be an issue with your file. Partial translated Swedish language pack (merged Swedish language pack 1.20 with English language pack 1.50). Try this language pack to see if the characters in question appear correctly.

13 years ago
I've tried your file "partial" and it looks like it work fine. I'll send you the file now, perhaps you find something...  ;-)
13 years ago
Any news about this?
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