Payment Description Missing During Checkout

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6 years ago
I'm running NOP 3.9 (getting ready to upgrade to 4.00) and have noticed something.  When I go through the checkout process, the payment plugin doesn't have an actual description.  The text just says "plugins.payments.authorizenet.paymentmethoddescription"  I searched for that setting in the All Settings section, and it wasn't there.  I added it (and a value) and restarted the application... but it made no difference.

Any help would be awesome. Thank you in advance.
6 years ago

You will not get that string value in setting.

You must need to go in language edit and string resources tab then find that string and update then value if not there then you can add new with correct value.

6 years ago
That worked perfectly.  Thank you.  I've never had to do that, do you have any idea what happened?
6 years ago

You're welcome.

May be someone uninstalled that plugin so resource string was remove from that grid.

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