Per Forum/Forum Group allow customers to post option

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13 years ago

I have a requirement to provide a FAQ page where tips, hints, tutorial are provided and untouched by the customers.
I would ideally want to have forums and forum groups that are not editable by the customers to accommodate this.

Is this something of interest to other people?

Thank you,

13 years ago
Qwebec wrote:

I have a requirement to provide a FAQ page where tips, hints, tutorial are provided and untouched by the customers.

There are 2 ways to accomplish your requirement:

1) You can add a FAQ page in your project and add all the questions in it.

2) Go to admin section  (in Topics) and create a new topic named as "FAQ" and add all the FAQs in it and post the link on your website somewhere.

If you want only registered customers to be able to view the FAQ page then go for the above mentioned 1st option , you can add code for that (in .cs page) to check if the person is logged in or not.

Qwebec wrote:
I would ideally want to have forums and forum groups that are not editable by the customers to accommodate this.

Talking about Forums functionality, it is on the roadmap of nopCommerce, vote for this feature here:
13 years ago
Did so thanks
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