Banners Extension for 1.9 (Multiple)

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13 years ago
I used the same package ealrier too, and could not perform following steps..

    NopModel.edmx (File Modified)
    Add - Table Nop_Banner
      Entity: Banner
      Entity Set Name: Banners
(for above steps, I dont see code in the NOPmodel.edmx file, its all kind of boxes and tables not sure how to add table, entity etc)

    NopObjectContext.cs (File Modified) (I couldnt find this file)
          /// <summary>
          /// Gets an Banner instance that is used to query, add, modify, and delete objects of the specified entity type.
          /// </summary>
          public ObjectSet<Banner> Banners
                  if ((_banners == null))
                      _banners = CreateObjectSet<Banner>();
                  return _banners;
          private ObjectSet<Banner> _banners;
13 years ago
dear kakoli

If you using visual studio 2010, these question will be easy to resolve.

in data dir you must be found a file name open it and add using NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Advertise;

after, open NopModel.edmx with wizards. and update it from database, and you will find table name Nop_Banner, select it and press OK. NopObjectContext.ObjectSets.cs will be created.

your NopModel.edmx will add a table Nop_Banner, notice, you must be rename Nop_Banner to Banner.
13 years ago
Cooperchen Thanks for your help.. everthing got compiled without issue, now one question..

Which are the .dll which i need to copy to my live site?
13 years ago
Hi cooperchen

thanks for banner19. i was able to install the extension but dont know how to configure it to display..

please help
13 years ago
hi shakeel.hussein

did u resolved?

if not, u could set position as your Banner control id. cause I rewrite Banner to use control id as position.

<%@ Master Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/Root.Master" AutoEventWireup="true"
    CodeBehind="ThreeColumn.master.cs" Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.MasterPages.ThreeColumn" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="Banners" Src="~/Modules/Banners.ascx" %>
<div class="master-wrapper-rightside-3">
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="cph3" runat="server">
            <nopCommerce:Banners ID="ctrlBanner_3C" runat="server" />
            <div class="clear">
            </div>            ..........

and ctrlBanner_3C is position.
13 years ago
yup got it to work.. thanks for ur help
12 years ago
I used your Banner files from your upload and the original nopCommerce 1.9 source files.
I did not install any of the original Banner files
My site compiles and the banner manager page displays.
I have added 1 banner but admittedly I'm not following what I am supposed to.

#1 What values are supposed to be in fields, Details Banner, Url Link, Target Link, Position Name
#2 When I attempt to add a second banner it doesn't appear to save.
I have viewed all of the public store pages but there is no banner.
12 years ago
hi, chuck6478

download my files, recompile, and u must decide banners where to display...

in last two post. I reply shakeel.hussein how to use position name. I put banners to MasterPageFile, and name it as ctrlBanner_3C

where u place them?
12 years ago
Any news on making this work with version 2.0?

TJ Havens
12 years ago
Yeah I'd be really interested in this also.
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