Store Credit (Return Request) amount should be saved

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3 years ago
Hi Nop team,
I feel and require to add a new functionality in nopcommerce.
When we return a product then "Return action" dropdown allows to select one of value "Repair",  "Replacement" and "Store Credit". These values comes from DB table "ReturnRequestAction". What is the purpose of "Store Credit"? It is just show and save. No other implementation found. Balance (return amount) should be save in any field of customer (e.g. Wallet or Available amount) that customer can use in next order. This concept is already using in . what you say?
3 years ago
Yes the action is only shown to the store admin. From there, admin must manually handle it.  Any "automatic" credit would have to consider the options - e.g. is Reward Points enabled?  Are there third party "Wallet" plugins?
3 years ago
Yes, wallet or same like functionality required and can be helpful for many customers.
I don't know about such (wallet plugin) thing.
3 years ago
Thanks for the suggestion.
We have a similar work item, we are still thinking about its implementation. You can vote for it (with emoji on GitHub) so that we can see the interest in this feature.
3 years ago
RomanovM wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion.
We have a similar work item, we are still thinking about its implementation. You can vote for it (with emoji on GitHub) so that we can see the interest in this feature.

I have added comment for this work item :)
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