How to take a production ready build of a plugin in Nopcommerce 4.50?

1 year ago
I've followed this ( and built a plugin which shows up on the local plugins menu.
It also appears in the Presentation/Nop.Web/Plugins folder.

I need to deploy this in production now. I took a zip file of all contents of the plugin in the Presentation/Nop.Web/Plugins folder and tried deploying but could not. Here's the error I see:

I tried renaming the json file and here comes another error.

Out of curiosity I visited nop's official store and checked a few plugins (this) and saw an entirely different file structure that has the plugin that supports many versions of nopcommerce.

Can anyone please guide me on how I can make a deploy-able  production build of a plugin so I can install it on my production server? Or point me to any resources online. I tried google but did not get far.
1 year ago
You can look at any one of he free plugins in the marketplace and use the same structure / format and edited uploadedItems.json file
For example
1 year ago
Yidna wrote:
You can look at any one of he free plugins in the marketplace and use the same structure / format and edited uploadedItems.json file
For example

Thanks! Will try that
9 months ago
Yidna wrote:
You can look at any one of he free plugins in the marketplace and use the same structure / format and edited uploadedItems.json file
For example

where is the uploadedItems.json.
I find one in src\Libraries\Nop.Services\Plugins\Samples\uploadedItems.json
But i think  it'not what you say since i read the json content.
Should I create a new one in which path?
9 months ago
ninja_1664 wrote:
where is the uploadedItems.json

It is in the Plugin Zip file
Have a look the the file that is downloaded from this link
Copy this arrangment of files and add in you plugin instead of this plugins files
edit the uploadedItems.json to point to your files
Then Re-Zip the new arrangment of files