nopCommerce version 4.60.4 Recurring product, Payment is not required

8 months ago
When I have enabled the recurring option for a product, I get the following message on the One Page Checkout "Payment is not required". if I take that same product and disable recurring, it lists the Authorize.Net plugin (or allows the use of points). I can't figure out if I'm missing something, or if this is a bug. I'm sure I'm missing something...

I have the recurring options as: Cycle Length = 1, Cycle Period = "Months", and Total Cycles = 99. When I run through checkout it wont allow the use of a payment provider, including points. When I disable the recurring option, then it allows payment, or points. Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
8 months ago
Yes you cannot pay for and create a recurring order with points.
You can only create recurring order with a Payment Method that supports Recurring Payment.
Other wise how does the next payment get made ?

For testing you can use the Payments.Manual which supports Manual Recurring Payment

This is the basic operation which could be changed via customisation. i.e. Allow Payment  for an Recurring Order with any payment method. Setup automatic orders and send the invoice to a customer for payment using a customised payment method which allows this type of payment.
8 months ago
Yidna wrote:
Yes you cannot pay for and create a recurring order with points.
You can only create recurring order with a Payment Method that supports Recurring Payment.
Other wise how does the next payment get made ?

For testing you can use the Payments.Manual which supports Manual Recurring Payment

This is the basic operation which could be changed via customisation. i.e. Allow Payment  for an Recurring Order with any payment method. Setup automatic orders and send the invoice to a customer for payment using a customised payment method which allows this type of payment.

Thank you for the reply. While I didn't give it much thought, that does make some sense that you can't pay for a recurring product with points... But why can't I use the Authorized.Net payment plugin, created by the NopCommerece core team? It says it supports reoccurring payments. I was pointing out that points and payment show up on the same product, with one change; disabling reoccurring payments. Can you help me understand what I'm doing wrong? If I enable reoccurring payments for my product, there are no payment methods available at checkout. Thank you for your time.
8 months ago
So I may have to apologize for not reading the manual; but could the "code" below (which was the steps displayed in the admin section for the Authorize.Net payment plugin) be why it's not showing up?

If you're using this gateway, ensure that your primary store currency is supported by Authorize.NET.

Before being able to use recurring payments, you'll need to activate this service; follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Authorize.Net account.
2. In your account settings specify the Silent Post URL (
3. In your account settings activate the "Transaction Details API"

Now I get that it wont work until I've done this, but given that I haven't yet done this, would that prevent it from even showing up as a payment option?  I'm working locally, so I have no store URL for step 2 above. The URL is yet to be determined at this point. I have my Authorize.Net account, and have the option for sandbox checked... but am I just jammed up until I do those steps?