8 months ago
Upgrading from 4.2 to 4.64

Created a test web site to test all my migrations of data/themes/plugins/etc.   Got everything working and looking as it should be.

Went back to my live 4.2 web site.  Deleted everything.   Copied everything from beta web site to live web site.   Site will not work.   Receive ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS no matter what page I try to load.   Log file shows a lot of activity but no obvious errors.  But I do see a lot of this crap (whatever the hell it is)....
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.RedirectResultExecutor[1]
      Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to
info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.RedirectResultExecutor[1]
      Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to

Suspect it has something to do with SSL since this is about the only thing different between my (still working) beta web site and the (now down) live web site.   Looking at those log entries...there is no "https" on the url's.     Wondering why?

Stores table is same as it has been for years.   Url for the stores have "https" in front of them with SSL enabled.

Searching forums yields *MANY* people over the years have had this error.  But not a single one of them posted how they solved it.    

If you help me solve it - I'll say so publicly.  Which will forever immortalize us as the first and only people brave enough to declare how  we solved the problem.
8 months ago
Fixed it.  Maybe this will help others...

In all the updating, copying, deleting, moving, etc.... I somehow got the beta site's connection string into the live site's appsettings.json file.    {DOH!!!}

So while I was looking and editing the actual live site data (using my DBMS tools since I couldn't get the admin page to load) - nopCommerce was still looking at the beta site data.  Which....did NOT have the correct URL's to support SSL in the dbo.Stores table.      

Might explain why nobody else posted this solution.   It's one of those embarrassing mistakes nobody wants to admit to.   Fortunately for you, I have no pride to bruise.  

Hope it helps you.  If not - don't reply asking me what else it could be.   I spent 5 hours pulling my hair out over this stupid error.   I've got no more follicles to lose.