Active Directory Authentication

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12 anni tempo fa
We are looking to implement as an intranet solution and would like to have Windows Domain members be automatically authenticated as valid registered users.

Does anyone have any examples/solutions for this?

I saw posts from a while back relating to the External Authentication model, but have not seen any AD solutions.
12 anni tempo fa
I'm having the same issue. Any news???
9 anni tempo fa
Hi, same here, I would need to automatically authenticate my Intratet users (using MS Active Directory). is it possible?

thanks a lot,

8 anni tempo fa
I have the same problem? what can we do with AD authentication?
8 anni tempo fa
Any word on Active Directory authentication?
8 anni tempo fa
We built a custom plugin for a client last year to enable Azure AD authentication. It basically required us to completely replace the forms authentication service.

It was a real challenge getting it all to work correctly (they actually didn't want to allow access to the site at all without being authenticated through AD).
3 anni tempo fa
Hello Team,
I have version 4.3 installed and trying to find out option for AD authentication.
Do we have provision to authenticate user via AD?
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