Getting started. Installing and upgrading nopCommerce.

12 anni tempo fa
mayyee1234 wrote:
I'm having 2 web hosting services, 1 of them is Arvixe and my site is
Another one is ExpressWeb and my site is

They were installed on the same day via Microsoft Web Gallery from the Website Panel and both said installation were successful.

The strange thing is in , the shopping cart link cannot be found.  And I can't get into the admin page at all.  

So far, everything seems alright at Arvixe, but I need to host this also in ExpressWeb in Japan.

Pls help

Have tried many ways but not getting anywhere, can someone pls enlighten me why this should happen ?

I couldn't figure out what happened at the installation process but I got it resolved by zipping the files in Arvixe & uploading them to the Japanese hosting service & it works.  Thx
11 anni tempo fa
byteslash wrote:
i did!

did you aspnet_regiis -i  from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ ?

That did it for me

I had to run that command on windows 7 after installing everything else :)
11 anni tempo fa

I tried searching the forums without success :/ How would I go about creating a working project/solution in Visual Studio 10 for nopCommerce site that is already running in my localhost?

11 anni tempo fa
It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level.  This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.  C:\Projects\NOP\Presentation\Nop.Web\Web.config
11 anni tempo fa

I am new to nopCommerce and not sure if I am in the correct forum

I have downloaded and installed nopCommerce v2.60

I am using Visual Studio Professional 2010 and IIS 6 on a Windows 2003 Server

I have a requirement which needs to start nopCommerce from the Login Page and not the Home Page

I have searched for possible soltuons and have followed the instruction to change the Start Page in VS2010 to http://localhost/NopWebPub/login.

I have also tried to change Global.asax.cs routes.MapRoute to point to Login

It will start with the Login Page when I press Ctrl F5 in Visual Studio but if I call it from a web browser, IIs 6 will always return the Home Page

I have also tried to deploy nopCommerce to a folder and set that folder as a Virtual Directory in IIS 6 but it will either display the Home Page or look for the Install page which it cannot find if the start page is set to Login in Global.asax.cs

Your advice will be very much appreciated


11 anni tempo fa
I compile the application in VS2010 without problem. Run the .bat file (prepare and deploy). I have site created in src\Deployable\nop_2.65, but when I open the site in the VS2010 and try to run it, I will appreciate the following error:

Server Error in '/nop_2.65' Application.

The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.  Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /nop_2.65/install

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.272

What happened did me lack?
11 anni tempo fa

i sent all of documents to ftp... but than? what should i do?
11 anni tempo fa
If you ftp the Deploy folder to the root folder of your then just write your website address in the browser and you will see the install page. But you should first create a database and know the database server name and login/password as you will need this during installation. Everything else is pretty self explanatory from there onwards but if you need more help feel free to ask.
11 anni tempo fa
thanks so much for your answer... actually i do everything what you said.... but i never reach the install page.... i send them to my ftp then i typed my domain web browse but always 404 error...
11 anni tempo fa
if you can answer the following questions then I will be in a position to help you:
1) are you hosting your site on a hosting server or a local server? if its a hosting it would be better if you can tell the name of the company?
2) if its is a hosting, what is the path to which you ftped the files
3) which files are you ftping to the root of your domain, the deploy folder or the contents inside the deploy folder?
4) what is the url that you are typing, you don't have to tell me the exact URL, is it something like or just