We announce the second annual nopCommerce conference

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8 anni tempo fa
The ‪nopCommerce‬ days are coming! So, we begin to introduce our participating speakers, sponsors, and companies.

Nop-Templates.com is a Bulgarian software company and a dedicated vendor of premium nopCommerce themes and plugins. In his speech "Being a successful nopCommerce extensions vendor - the secret of Nop-Templates.com", Milen Kovachev, one of the co-founders of the company, will share what it takes to develop themes and plugins used by more than 12 000 live stores.

8 anni tempo fa
I just heard about this. Sounds great!
I attended the Internet Retailer conference in Chicago in 2014 and I know that these conferences can provide a lot of value & insights.  
Have to start planning so we can make it to Amsterdam!
8 anni tempo fa
I hope, i will be there to attend conference.
8 anni tempo fa
Its great to see that nopCommerce conference is coming. Wish to attend this conference.
7 anni tempo fa
We're delighted to introduce Raisul Kabir as nopCommerce Days 2016 speaker. His company Brain Station-23 is one of the most prominent software providers in Bangladesh, received multiple awards in outsourcing. Since 2010 Brainstation-23 has a dedicated nopCommerce department led by nopCommerce certified developers. Since that time they made a lot of free themes, plugins and nopCommerce-based public native apps. In his speech Raisul will share the success story of Biponee.com: how startup evolved to eCommerce leader. Please find out more about him http://days16.nopcommerce.com/raisul-kabir
7 anni tempo fa
Introducing Peter Larsson Tornedal, the speaker at nopCommerce Days 2016

Please meet Peter Larsson Tornedal, nopCommerce Days 2016 speaker. He made his first online store in 1999. Since that time he is closely engaged in the field of eCommerce. Now he works as a developer in Brandon AB, part of the PUMA Group, offering a comprehensive solution for large international brands, including website development, logistics, customer service and so on. Peter's experience in developing and deep understanding of eCommerce and retail make him a special speaker. In his speech he will explore different nopCommerce setups for B2B, B2C and B2E sectors.
7 anni tempo fa
We are very pleased to announce the nopCommerce Days Silver Partner: nop-templates.com.

Nop-Templates.com are one of the most active nopCommerce solution partners. This Sofia-based company is not only active and experienced vendor of hi-quality plugins and top-notch graphic themes but a real cornerstone of the nopCommerce community.

Their nopCommerce themes are bundled with more than 10 of their nopCommerce plugins providing a complete e-commerce solution.
Nop-Templates made a gift to the whole nopCommerce community in the form of Web API speeding up the development of nopCommerce as a platform. Nop-Templates members are active in the conference too: hear Milen’s speech on Nop-Templates success story on developers track, learn nopCommerce theme development from Stefan on workshops track and find new opportunities with nopCommerce in Boyko’s workshop on Web API.

For more information about nopCommerceDays please visit the site
7 anni tempo fa
Please meet Lavish Kumar, nopCommerce Days 2016 speaker. Based out of New York, USA, Lavish Kumar is a full stack web developer by profession and founder of Striving Programmers, a resource of nopCommerce tutorials and a trusted community for developers. Lavish specializes in custom web applications, e-Commerce platforms, CMS implementation and CRM systems. Lavish’s technical experience also includes development of custom nopCommerce themes and plugins for a wide variety of users. He is an expert when it comes to e-Commerce platform including user interface, data model / business logic and infrastructure. Lavish will be running the store owner workshop where all ins and outs of nopCommerce workflow will be covered in details (including the brand new nopCommerce version 3.80 features). He will also be giving a speech that will focus on entrepreneurs / new store owners who want to bring their "A game" in order to survive in this competitive e-Commerce industry by avoiding some common mistakes.
7 anni tempo fa
Continuing to announce nopCommerce Days speakers, we welcome Tobias Derucki. He is the founder of Innovapps, which main activities are: IT-consulting, software development and web apps. Within the nopCommerce ecosystem Innovapps has strong knowledge on ecommerce and BPO including multi-store-platforms, payment integration (like SEPA direct debit and paydirekt) and logistics interfaces. So, being qualified as a developer and eCommerce business analyst, Tobias is going to cover the point on Integrating nopCommerce in an enterprise scale infrastructure.
Find more about Tobias here
7 anni tempo fa
Please welcome one more nopCommerce Days 2016 speaker, Guizeppe Pitzus. For more than 15 years he worked as engineer in different spheres. His great experience and IT-passion brought him to launching his own company named Open Software. His company provides innovative and cost-effective solutions based on open source technologies, like nopCommerce, either for B2B and B2C. Being very experienced nopCommerce user, Guiseppe will cover the point about connecting platform with ERP Systems on the conferene. Find more about him and his business here
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