NOP 4.1 with Emporium Theme

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5 anni tempo fa
Hi, Guys,

I just want to show off our new website and say thanks to the NOP Commerce Team, the NOP Template Team and Jatin from Nop Commerce Plus. The website sells products and offers a knowledge base, help desk and a product licensing system.

5 anni tempo fa
Hi Paul,

Thank you for the credit.

The site looks great. We wish to feature it in our monthly picks series, where we showcase examples of nopCommerce websites using our products. Is this something you might be interested in?

Best wishes,

Rayna from
Nop-Templates Team
5 anni tempo fa
That's a very nice website.  Well done!

If I may ask (out of interest for an upcoming project), who did you use for hosting, how did you find them and if I may also ask, approximately how much does it cost to host such a site each month?
5 anni tempo fa
Hi, Rayna,

Thank you very much also for such a stunning theme template, worth every penny.

Yes, please, if you could showcase the site, that would be great.

5 anni tempo fa
Hi, David,

We pay for 2 dedicated VPS servers with Aruba Cloud and each server has 2 CPU's and 4GB RAM, the reason we have two is for redundancy. I would only recommend this setup if you have a team member who deals with infrastructure as you will need to configure the servers yourself and handle PCI compliance tests.

The max load we experience is 5-30% CPU and 30-50% RAM usage, so it is well within its limits to handle many concurrent visitors. I hope that helps, if you need more information, please do not hesitate in contacting me at [email protected]

Uptime last 12-months on NOP 3.8 was 99.1%, most of the downtime was our fault.

5 anni tempo fa
Hi Paul

Thanks for the information.  That's really useful.

Good luck with the site.

4 anni tempo fa
It helps
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