Built-in system record used for background tasks

10 mesi tempo fa
After upgrading our site from 3.9 to 4.6 we had an issue with our site crashing when we installed plugins, the plugins.json file was not updating etc after completing the entry to install the plugin.
After much investigation, the cause of the problem was the account for the built-in system record used for background tasks had been deleted.
Then after a lot more digging around I noticed If I click in scheduled tasks - "Delete inactive customers (GDPR)" it deletes the customer record for the built-in search engine.
I have tried it three times and it definitely does delete the account.
I have disabled this for now. Does anyone know how can this be fixed?
10 mesi tempo fa
Thanks. It seems you are right. Here is a work item for this.
For now, if you have access to the db, you can change the LastActivityDateUtc for records with SearchEngine and BackgroundTask roles to recent (for example, today). This task deletes customers who haven't been active for a long time (by default, more than 3 years), but apparently, your db was created even later and system users are "outdated".
10 mesi tempo fa
Thank you Romanov. Appreciated.