Upgrade from 4.50.4 to 4.60

10 mesi tempo fa
I ran the  customer_data_migrate.sql script against the database but now web app is throwing an error. Events logs show the following;

The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Customer_Country". The conflict occurred in database "<database_name>", table "dbo.Country", column 'Id'.

Any help is appreciated.

10 mesi tempo fa
RE: "FOREIGN KEY constraint "Customer_Country"

I'm not aware of such a FOREIGN KEY named "Customer_Country".  Did you create that custom?
(By convention, FK's in nopCommerce are named with prefix FK_ )
9 mesi tempo fa
New York wrote:
RE: "FOREIGN KEY constraint "Customer_Country"

I'm not aware of such a FOREIGN KEY named "Customer_Country".  Did you create that custom?
(By convention, FK's in nopCommerce are named with prefix FK_ )

I may have find out why, some custom code was written for the application some while ago, I don't think it's required any longer.  Thank you for you help.
