product attribute with tax exemption

7 mesi tempo fa
product with tax with product attribute that is linked to product type. the product added as attribute is tax exempt.

1. nopCommerce version  4.6
2. Expected behavior  tax only calculated over main product price not the tax exempt linked product
3. Actual behavior  tax is calculated over sum price of both products
4. Steps to reproduce the problem  create 2 products. 1 with vat/tax and 1 without (exempt and just 0 tax both same result) add the tax exempt product to the one with tax and go to public store and add to shoppingcart.
5. Any private modifications you made to your nopCommerce. No
7 mesi tempo fa
Thanks for the info. This has already been considered here. You can also add your comments.
7 mesi tempo fa
Yes but that one is closed and not fixed in 2020.

I would say too bad this is not implemented and I think this is a bug (or just not implemented) but it is just wrong. This will prevent many using nopcommerce in many situations I am affraid.

Hope this can be re-considerred. at least tax exemption on product attribute.

I can understand different tax % can be difficult but exempt should be possible?
