How to Display a Customer Name in SQL dbo.Customer?

7 mesi tempo fa
NC 3.90

There are some fake registrations. I would like to delete them in bulk.

Also there are a lot of real customers' accounts mixed with fake ones.

So in order not to get confused and delete fake registrations, I need to see a Customer Name like in admin /Admin/Customer/List, but in SQL dbo.Customer table.

How can I do it in MSSQL Server 2014 Management Studio?


7 mesi tempo fa
FirstName and LastName are in the GenericAttribute table
use this query  to find
SELECT  c.[Id]
      ,ISNULL(FirstName.Value, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(LastName.Value, '') AS FullName
  FROM [dbo].[Customer] c
  LEFT JOIN GenericAttribute FirstName
    ON c.Id = FirstName.EntityId AND FirstName.KeyGroup = 'Customer' AND FirstName.[Key] = 'FirstName'
  LEFT JOIN GenericAttribute LastName
    ON c.Id = LastName.EntityId AND LastName.KeyGroup = 'Customer' AND LastName.[Key] = 'LastName';
