Deleted product remains in relatedproduct

6 mesi tempo fa
in versione 4.60.1 if I delete product this remains in RelatedProduct Table,
I dont't kown if is by design.
I think that for CrossSellProduct it's the same but I don't have done a test.

6 mesi tempo fa
I think that "by design" is relative ;)

Delete of a product is a "soft" delete. I.e., then Deleted column gets value 1 (rather than 0).
The Product Delete method just calls the Repository Delete which sets Deleted = true  (1 in the DB column).  It does not remove any "relations".
6 mesi tempo fa
Yes, I agree, for this reason I found thousands of products with the report but deleted.

Now in the admin area in the grids I show published and deleted flag, so I can see them