Shipment cost depending on weight

4 mesi tempo fa
Is there an extension or a configuration option to implement the following? Shipping prices based on weight. Depending on what has been ordered, the total weight of all products is calculated. Depending on this total order weight, the following shipping costs are automatically invoiced to the customer.

For orders by mail up to 30kg, we charge:
c. Total CHF 12.80

For orders by mail up to 60kg, we charge:
c. Total CHF 25.60

For orders by mail up to 90kg, we charge:
c. Total CHF 38.40

Above: orders by truck, we charge:
c. Total CHF 68.90
4 mesi tempo fa
You can check shipping director plugin for nopCommerce otherwise you need custom solution for this.

Best regards,
4 mesi tempo fa
You should be able to handle shipping based on "total order weight" using the built-in "Manual (Fixed or By Weight and By Total) " shipping plugin

First, use "Manage shipping methods" button to set up two methods - for example, named:
   By Mail
   By Truck.

Then, back at the main shipping provider page:
Be sure to toggle the button in upper left to "By Weight".
Be sure to select the checkbox at the bottom:  "Limit shipping methods to configured ones"

Add records as per your requirements.  Be sure to select the appropriate "Shipping method" (i.e., My Mail vs By Truck), and use the "Order weight from" and "Order weight to" and the "Additional fixed cost".