"Shipping Method can not be loaded" when public store and Admin interface is in different language

4 mesi tempo fa

I’ve identified another issue related to editing orders in the Admin Interface. When you save an order, a yellow alert appears indicating that the shipping method “Standardversandt” or “default Shipping” is not found.

The error depends on the language of the user placing the order and the language of the interface. Specifically:

If a user places an order in German, the value “Standardversandt” is recorded in the “ShippingMethode” column of the order table.
However, if the admin opens the order while the interface language is set to English, the Admin interface searches for “default Shipping,” which cannot be found.
The same issue occurs in reverse as well.

To reproduce this problem, follow these steps:

Add a second language.
Activate the Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal Plugin.
Configure the plugin with a basic setup: Configure FixedByWeightByTotal.
Click the “Manage shipping methods” button: Manage Shipping Methods.
Add a new shipping method:
Name it as you like in the “Standard” tab.
Provide an alternative name in the second language.
Save the configuration.

Now perform the following actions:

Open the public store and place an order while the interface language is set to the second language.
Choose the shipping method you created in the configuration for the order.
Go to the Admin interface and switch the interface language back to the first language.
Open the placed order.
Change the quantity of a product and save it.
You will receive a yellow warning indicating that the shipping method written in the second language could not be loaded.

Nopcommerce 4.60.5

i can not test it on the https://admin-demo.nopcommerce.com because its not allowed to add a language.

4 mesi tempo fa
This is also related to "Auto update order totals" in order settings, as discussed in your other topic.
We will completely rework this feature a bit later; for now, it doesn't work fully correctly.
4 mesi tempo fa

that sounds grate,

"Auto update order totals"  is relay a feature that is often needet, because customers are often contacting us to change the order, add ore remove an item ..

Is this still planed to be a part of 4.7 ?
