New customer Activation email didn't send

3 mesi tempo fa
I'm using nopcommerce V4.60.4 for one of customer.
we notice that customers are not active and also didn't return to shop. and it was because no email validation sent to customers. I checked mail queue, there is no message for this purpose there.
Our mail service works properly and other emails sent to customer. even when we active new customer they receive password recover but first email validation email didn't sent.
Also there is no way to request this email again.
I try to create a new user on to order something, and notice that same issue is here. I didn't get email validation and can't request to resend it.
Maybe something is wrong in new versions or some settings must be reviewed.
1- How we can add resend email for validation?
2- how we can check the main issue prevent sending email to new customer?
3- why same issue is in also?
Thank you
3 mesi tempo fa
Is the issue for all customers (not manually created), or did this just start happening recently?

Make sure the message template Customer.EmailValidationMessage is Active and not "Limited to stores"

There is no "friendly" way to resend the email.  However, an admin can manually re-queue an email in the admin area > system > message queue.  (Although in this case, you indicate it's not in the queue.)

RE: " same issue is in also?"
If you are referring to the, then they may not have the setting  enabled for email validation required, and even if they did, it's likely they've disabled  all the Scheduled Tasks, so outbound emails don't get sent.  (Note that the public demo site is not based on the admin-demo site.  They use a different site / DB.
3 mesi tempo fa
Thank you for your reply.

for all customers added after changing setting to make it required to verify new users, I have this issue. I checked and even admin if click in re-send activation message from customer detail page, email will not send and also will not add to message queue also.

I think it can be change to this scenario, if inactive users try to login, show message that customer must activate by confirm email sent to user, if you didn't receive any message try resend or something like this.
because in current way if user didn't get email can't use this account without sending support request.

also I have the issue on main site of nopcommerce, I try to add new user to order from marketplace but I didn't get activation message
3 mesi tempo fa
After "admin if click in re-send activation message from customer detail page", check the System log for errors
3 mesi tempo fa
ashian wrote:
also I have the issue on main site of nopcommerce, I try to add new user to order from marketplace but I didn't get activation message

It works fine, try one more time.
3 mesi tempo fa
RomanovM wrote:

It works fine, try one more time.

yes, I got two emails after a long delay. and then I activate my new account.